MOQ_Focus Unused Topic Suggestions

MOQ_Focus is run as a series of monthly workshops during which a single question is discussed. Each month a number of suggestions are sent in during the CALL FOR TOPICS period.
All topic suggestion that are not used are listed below and are available for future use

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Topic Suggestions From May 2004

Does Lila Have Quality
Posted by: David Buchanan

How can we apply Robert Pirsig's ideas to our individual and societal relationship with money?
Posted by: Nathan Blakely

Can the MoQ be applied practically?
How can the MoQ be applied practically?
Posted by: Sam Norton

What role could the MoQ possibly play in the future development of mankind towards progress, both individually, and as a whole?
Posted by: Matthew Poot

Can Pirsig's romantic-classic split and his Dynamic-static split both be useful explanatations in the MOQ, and how are they related to each other (are they different divisions of the same thing or divisions of different things)?
Posted by: Kirk Rankin

Topic Suggestions From April 2004

In understanding the metaphysics of Quality, there seem to be two competing conceptions of the relative place of dynamic and static quality.

Conception 1: that Quality is the source, from which dynamic Quality and static Quality are both derivative aspects, of equal Quality, albeit that one is a temporal product of the other; and...

Conception 2: that Dynamic Quality is the source, and Static Quality is the derivative aspect, so Dynamic Quality is Qualitatively superior to Static Quality.

I think Conception 1 is correct, whereas David Buchanan thinks Conception 2 is correct, and that difference, I believe, underlies much of our disagreement re: religion and mysticism. I think that this would benefit from further analysis.

A) do the Dynamic and Static aspects have equal claim to the ascription Quality, or does the Dynamic possess more Quality than the Static?
B) is it possible to discern which of these Robert Pirsig advocates?
C) if it should be that Conception 2 is what he advocates, is it coherent and consistent with the presentation of Quality in ZMM and elsewhere?
Posted by: Sam Norton

Topic Suggestions From March 2004

Could a film about ZMM and the MOQ, centered around graphic depictions of Robert Pirsig undergoing electro-shock treatment at the hands of psychiatrists, with flashbacks to his moments of enlightenment and flashforwards to his painstaking re-discovery of Quality through a splintered memory, help galvanize a movement that propels the MOQ forward to being the dominant worldview that Pirsig envisions for it?
Posted by: Glenn Bradford

Topic Suggestions From February 2004

Are the patterns of one who well understands music notation aesthetically more beautiful than one who does not well understand music notation? One may think of this question in terms of ability to improvise and ability to play notated score.
Posted by: Mark Maxwell

Is the romantic/classic split from the ZMM model (classic/romantic) really separate from the MoQ? Or are these just different ways of cutting up the same pie?
Posted by: Amilcar Kabral

Seen in the light of the MOQ can the value that ZAMM treats in connection with the Sophists and Ancient Greece's "Aretê" be given a position in the static hierarchy?
Posted by: Bo Skutvik

Can we detect any discrepancies between these two quotes?"

Pirsig in ZMM chapter 20:
"Phaedrus remembered Hegel had been regarded as a bridge between Western and Oriental philosophy. The Vedanta of the Hindus, the Way of the Taoists, even the Buddha had been described as an absolute monism similar to Hegel's philosophy. Phaedrus doubted at the time, however, whether mystical Ones and metaphysical monisms were introconvertable since mystical Ones follow no rules and metaphysical monisms do. His Quality was a metaphysical entity, not a mystic one. Or was it? What was the difference?"

Pirsig in Lila chapter 30:
"The MOQ associates religious mysticism with Dynamic Quality but it would certainly be a mistake to think that the MOQ endorses the static beliefs of any particular religious sect. Phaedrus thought sectarian religion was a static social fallout of DQ and that while some sects had fallen less than others, none of them told the whole truth." "He thought about how once this integration occurs and DQ is identified with religious mysticism it produces an avalanche of information as to what Dynamic Quality is. A lot of this relgious mysticism is just low-grade "yelping about God" of course, but if you search for the sources of it and don't take the yelps too literally a lot of interesting things turn up."
Posted by: David Buchanan

Topic Suggestions From January 2004

Many sophists before the time of Socrates had such an extremely high degree of aesthetic intelligent perception of exceptional SQ-SQ coherence (DQ), and felt able to teach perception of 'it,' that their artistic natures were regarded largely as a threat to less gifted individuals.'
Posted by: Mark Maxwell

Seen in the light of the MOQ can the value that ZAMM treats in connection with the Sophists and Ancient Greece's "Aretê" be given a position in the static hierarchy?
Posted by: Bodvar Skutvik

Is the MOQ a true metaphysics? Or is it simply a model of intellectual and social development?
Posted by: Amilcar Kabral

Topic Suggestions From December 2003

Can we use the MOQ to decide what to buy our partners for Christmas? (Does the MOQ even support the giving of presents at Christmas?)
Posted by: Matthew Forrest

Is language a primarily social level phenomenon in the MoQ?
Posted by: Sam Norton

Is there a religion or spiritual practice that the MOQ supports?
Are there circumstances in which it is moral to take illegal drugs?
Are the policies of George W. Bush evil?
Posted by: David Buchanan

Does Phaedrus' sympathy with the Sophists mean that their representative Protagoras' "Man is the measure of all things" slogan is valid in the MOQ of LILA?
Posted by: Bodvar Skutvik

Does the MoQ accommodate Global population management?
Posted by: Mark Maxwell

According to the MOQ, is intelligence inherited?
Posted by: Dan Glover

In MoQ terms, should the main aim of a question be to elicit a Yes/No answer?
Posted by: Jonathan B. Marder