Tuesday 5th July
1:30 to 3:30pm - Pre-ceremony drinks for graduation guests including Robert
Pirsig, Wendy Pirsig, Paul Turner and Gavin Gee-Clough at Liverpool's
Philosophy Department.
3.00 to 5.30pm - Graduation ceremony at the Philharmonic Hall, Hope
Street, Liverpool for Anthony McWatt, John Hume and Stella Rimington,
amongst others. Mark Maxwell, Paul Turner and Gavin Gee-Clough were
the lucky MOQ Discuss people to attend. Professionally filmed by
First Video
5.30 to 7.00pm - Social event at the Hope Street Hotel, Liverpool
for MOQ graduation guests including a meeting with the Nobel prize
winner, John Hume. Hume and Pirsig - though both leaders in their
respective fields - hadn't heard of each other!
Wednesday 6th July
10:00 to 3:00pm - Professionally produced interview with Robert
Pirsig arranged by Anthony McWatt at the University of Liverpool,
Greenbank Campus (near Penny Lane!).
5:30 to 7.30pm - Social event at the "Bear and Billet" Pub, Lower
Bridge Street, Chester. This was the occasion that many of the visitors
first met the Pirsigs.
7:30 to 10.30pm - Boat Trip on Bithell Boats "Earl" (or the "Jungle
Queen" as the Pirsigs called it!) on the River Dee at Chester.
As with the "Bear & Billet" this social event was filmed.
Thursday 7th July
7:00pm to 2:00am - Party at the Everyman Bistro, Hope Street,
Liverpool which continued at Lucille's flat until dawn. Some filming.
Thursday 7th July
12:30pm - Conference Start at the Department of Philosophy,
University of Philosophy, 7 Abercromby Square, Liverpool.
Dr. Anthony McWatt's Welcome Speech
An introduction to the days events.
Robert Pirsig's Opening Statement
Read by Dr. McWatt.
Lao Tsu quotation
Preface to Professor Henry Gurr's presentation read by Horse.
'Pirsig Pilgrim's'
Professor Henry Gurr's Powerpoint presentation given by Paul
Turner and Ian Glendinning.
It’s Evolutionary Psychology, Stupid
Ian Glendinning's own Powerpoint presentation.
3:00pm Refreshment Break at No.5 Cafe, 5 Abercromby Square, Liverpool.
3:45pm Reconvene at the Faculty of Arts Building, University of Liverpool,
12 Abercromby Square, Liverpool.
Fun with Blasphemy
David Buchanan's paper.
"There are no Objects in this room!"
Mark Maxwell’s paper with genuine archer's bow!
Potential Implications of utilizing the MOQ for Research:
Why we need more Sherpas
Mati Palm-Leis' paper.
Student life and other contradictions
An inquiry into the value of modern education
Gavin Gee-Clough’s infamous paper revised for the conference.
6:15pm - Conference Finish