Frederick Burns

I have been a Robert Pirsig fan for twenty years having read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Lila, and Guidebook to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle maintenance by Di Santo and Steele.

I have been practicing a form of rhetoric, being a stand up comedian and the general manager of the Comedy Store in La Jolla, Ca for the past fifteen years. I just moved to L.A. in hopes of advancing my comedy career. I was the ten thousand dollar grand prize winner on America's funniest people.

USC made a documentary on my life which won 2nd place out of 270 films at the first International Disabled Film Festival in Munich, Germany. I just returned, last November, from Holland where they flew me out for a screening of the film. It has also been shown nationally on German television, and shown in England, Scotland, Greece, and Isreal. The documentary has also toured the United States and the African continent.

I was featured, along with my cartoons and jokes, in a best selling book in Japan, called, Tamayo, and I appeared on prime time Japanese television doing my act.

Last month, I appeared here in the U.S. on the Ultimate Gong Show and later it was re-broadcasted on The Best of the Ultimate Gong Show where I preformed my stand up routine.

I am a paraplegic, having been born with spinabifida, a congenital spinal defect, and must use crutches to get around. I have had over twenty five operations on my legs, back, and bladder. I'm currently recovering from my most recent operation two weeks ago.

Robert Pirsig's writings have influenced me profoundly and changed my life.

I had an unusual spiritual or rather metaphysical event occur the first time I read ZMM when I was just twenty years old. I'm forty now, but remember it like it was yesterday. I'm not very religious. Nor am I a fanatic.

I'm interested in hearing about other's ideas and thoughts concerning Quality. I'm new to the internet, and not even used to writing down my own jokes which I usually do from memory; however, I'm willing to give this a try, if you're interested in another point of view.

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